The Christelijke Encyclopedie is a publication by the company J.H. Kok from Kampen. The first edition appeared in five volumes from 1926 till 1929 with a supplement in 1931, under the redaction of the reformed theologian Frederik Willem Grosheide (1881-1972, father of the later secretary of state Hans Grosheide.) A second edition, in six volumes, followed from 1956-1961. Both editions are reference works for the Dutch Reformed Church. In 2005 a third edition appeared in three volumes, under the same title, but where "Christian" is treated from an oecumenic perspective. A brochure of the publisher reports:
In deze nieuwe uitvoering wordt, anders dan bij de vorige edities, het woord christelijk binnen de Nederlandse context zo breed mogelijk opgevat, zowel het rooms-katholicisme als het protestantisme omsluitend.
The authors of the latest edition include Jan Bank, Paul Cliteur, Bart Jan Spruyt, Gert Schutte and Kars Veling. Editor-in-chief was George Harinck.